Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council is chaired by the Acting Bishop and shall include all the pastors of the Church and other visiting pastors as may be selected by the Acting Bishop and approved by the trustees of the Church.
Board of Trustees (Elders of the Church)
Akomala Akouete & Princewill Anukem
The Pastoral Council shall appoint two members of the Church to serve on the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for the general welfare of the Church, advice the Pastoral Council, custodian of all the Church physical property and documents except those documents related to finance, and minutes of other committees. The Board of Trustees shall be vested with the management of the business and growth of this Church.
The General Secretary (Elder Princewill Anukem)
The General Secretary shall keep the minutes of all official meetings of the Board of Trustees and shall be responsible for the minutes of special business meetings of the Church. The General Secretary shall also be responsible for keeping a record of the membership of the Church and perform any other clerical work necessary to the proper management of the Church. Acting for and on behalf of the Board of Trustees, the General Secretary shall be the custodian of all records and reports of the Church except financial records, and with the consent of Board of Trustees and the Pastoral Council, grant excerpts from these records upon request to authorized individuals and groups.
Bishop is also the President, who is the chief executive officer and shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and its Executive Committee.
- The Bishop and in his absence, other members of the pastoral council shall (a) give spiritual guidance, counseling, and care to members of the Church, (b) exercise pastoral care, devoting special attention to the poor, the sick, and the troubled, (c) encourage and lead members of the Church in the worship and service of God, (d) be responsible for administering the Sacraments, and praying for all conditions and situations of members of the Church, and (e) promote the quality of life and relationships among members to the extent that their lifestyles will commend the gospel to all persons. The Acting Bishop shall decide on the place and time for the meetings of the pastoral council.
- The Bishop and the Elders have the overall responsibility for the administration and implementation of the programs of the Church. Specifically, the Acting Bishop shall be the spokesperson of the Church, and shall have the ultimate responsibility for the leadership of the congregation, governing functions of the committees of the Church, and decision making of the Church especially in its concern for service to the community as a whole.
- The Bishop may invite other ordained Ministers and Lay Speakers to the Church as guest preachers for both the weekly services and on special occasion.
MR. KOFFI AKOUETE (Vice President)
In addition to member of trustees, is the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President and shall assist that office in the discharge of its leadership duties.
The Deacons
- Stand in support of the Pastor(s), encourage, and advise them on their missionary work.
- Serve in the Ministry of the Word, Prayer and Evangelism in the absence of a Pastor.
- Assist the Pastor(s) in officiating at such special services as and baptism and shall also serve as Counselors for the Church.
- Be in charge with the upkeep of the Church building.
- Serve on committees and support ministries of the Church
MR. JULIAN DABLA (Treasurer)
Mr. Dabla is responsible for conducting the financial affairs of the organization as directed and authorized by the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, and shall make reports of corporate finances as required, but no less often than at each meeting of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
The Treasurer
- Be responsible for the depositing of all monies of the Church in an appropriate account and in the name of the Church with an appropriate United States bank.
- Prepare quarterly annual financial reports of the Church and present these reports to the Pastoral Council, Board of Trustees, and to other committees or individual authorized by the Board of Trustees to receive these reports.
- Make all the financial records of the Church available for audit by the audit committee or for inspection by appropriate individual or groups at all times on upon request.
- Keep a record of contribution and donations made by individual members of the Church, groups, or the public and shall provide annual statements to these donors as appropriate.
- Be assisted by a financial secretary who shall, in the absence of the treasurer, act as the treasurer of the Church.